The children of the orphanage/internat of Luga had a wonderful time this past July when Natasha visited them. They were able to leave the orphanage for five hours. Can you imagine not leaving your house which is also your school but once in an entire month? No trips to the grocery store, no little errands to run, no where to go to be alone for a little while, no change of scenery. Well, that's how it is for the children of Luga. That's what makes Natasha's ministry Friends of Children so special. She was able to take them out to an ostrich farm. Then they went to a lake for a hot dog lunch and a swim! Exciting stuff for these kids. Fun times! But then reality all too quickly the day is gone and the kids have to head back to the orphanage/school. Here's a description in Natasha's own words.
"We visited Ostrich Farm where they saw different birds and domestic animals, had a chance to shoot at a target which was alot of fun. After that we went to the lake and had picnic, swam and played games. The only sad thing was that time went very fast and when the bus came pick up children we all thought that next time we should bring them out for longer period of time ( this trip was 5 hours, but this wasn't enough!).
When it was time to say good buy, they hugged us and felt really sorry that such day is finished. They say that it's so boring for them to stay all the time in internat and thanked us a lot for not forgetting them.
When they went to the bus, it was hard to say good-buy and we went to the bus with them. I told them about you, that you think about them, remember and send money to support such events. They all kept silent and listened attentively. One little boy said "Send my hello to Jodi!", others started to say "Say our thanks to this wonderful lady", the adults said that they appreciate what you do for those children whom you have never met! I felt that knowing that their life attracts people from far parts of the world is very surprising for the children and touches them seriously."
One part of this quote really speaks to my heart. It is when the kids told Natasha thanks a lot for not forgetting them. These kids feel forgotten, like no ones knows them or cares. Like no one loves them.
Doesn't that break your heart? It should. Rembember, these kids do not have loving parents to give them hugs and encourage them. No one to tuck them in at night and pray with them. Natasha is the only Jesus that these kids might ever see. Please consider helping Natasha in her ministry Friends of Children. Your help will enable her to take the children of Luga out on more day trips, send them to summer christian camps, provide them with clothing, games, school supplies, and fresh fruit (a luxury). Or what about just writing these kids.. you can mail them letters so they know that someone really does care about them, loves them, and prays for them.
With some organizations you send money and you never really know if your child is receiving the funds. I can tell you from first hand experience that the support I give goes directly to these kids. I have seen God take the funds I send and turn them into special memories for these children as well as provide hands on items that the kids needed.
If you would like to become more involved in touching kids lives, and see monthly exactly how your donations are changing lives, e-mail Ken Dockery with Big Family Ministry at or check out the website and sign up to be a "Family Friend".
"We visited Ostrich Farm where they saw different birds and domestic animals, had a chance to shoot at a target which was alot of fun. After that we went to the lake and had picnic, swam and played games. The only sad thing was that time went very fast and when the bus came pick up children we all thought that next time we should bring them out for longer period of time ( this trip was 5 hours, but this wasn't enough!).
When it was time to say good buy, they hugged us and felt really sorry that such day is finished. They say that it's so boring for them to stay all the time in internat and thanked us a lot for not forgetting them.
When they went to the bus, it was hard to say good-buy and we went to the bus with them. I told them about you, that you think about them, remember and send money to support such events. They all kept silent and listened attentively. One little boy said "Send my hello to Jodi!", others started to say "Say our thanks to this wonderful lady", the adults said that they appreciate what you do for those children whom you have never met! I felt that knowing that their life attracts people from far parts of the world is very surprising for the children and touches them seriously."
One part of this quote really speaks to my heart. It is when the kids told Natasha thanks a lot for not forgetting them. These kids feel forgotten, like no ones knows them or cares. Like no one loves them.
Doesn't that break your heart? It should. Rembember, these kids do not have loving parents to give them hugs and encourage them. No one to tuck them in at night and pray with them. Natasha is the only Jesus that these kids might ever see. Please consider helping Natasha in her ministry Friends of Children. Your help will enable her to take the children of Luga out on more day trips, send them to summer christian camps, provide them with clothing, games, school supplies, and fresh fruit (a luxury). Or what about just writing these kids.. you can mail them letters so they know that someone really does care about them, loves them, and prays for them.
With some organizations you send money and you never really know if your child is receiving the funds. I can tell you from first hand experience that the support I give goes directly to these kids. I have seen God take the funds I send and turn them into special memories for these children as well as provide hands on items that the kids needed.
If you would like to become more involved in touching kids lives, and see monthly exactly how your donations are changing lives, e-mail Ken Dockery with Big Family Ministry at or check out the website and sign up to be a "Family Friend".
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