Saturday, November 26, 2011

Chocolate and calendars from American Friends!

Help for Children went to the Luga Orphanage with a special treat in late November. American friends had sent them a gift of $80.00. When Friends of Children asked the teachers of Luga what the children would like best, "sweets" was the answer.

So each child was given an advent calendar. Each day they will be able to open a door on the calendar and enjoy a small chocolate. This would remind the children of their American friends who celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25th.
In Russia, Christmas is celebrated on Jan. 7th, but children are the same everywhere. They asked "Do you really belive that we will be that patient with the chocolate?!" But some later said they would try.

Ha! I know my kids would have a difficult time with that as well!

Enjoy the pictures from Luga.

Jodi Perkins

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