Saturday, June 18, 2011

Light and Love at the Supermarket

Big Family Mission helps the ministry of Grace Center through Help for
Children in St. Petersburg, which is led by Natasha Kirillov.  Here’s is
Natasha’s account of the life story of Sonya Kasterina.

    “Sonya has a walking disability, cerebral palsy.  After her mother started
drinking hard, Sonya was sent to the orphanage Grace.  She lived there for
a year.  Then the orphanage was closed, and Sonya came back to her
mother. When she heard that we have Grace Family Center, Sonya asked
us to put her into the program. We regularly invite Sonya to the center,
where she has opportunity to attend the church services and fellowship with
the children of her age.   She says this is the only good thing of her life.
She knows that there are people who care and accept her as she is. Sonya
is a good Christian:   she prays hard and she was specially blessed this
Easter.  When supporters from Finland came to visit other children in our
ministry, Sonya had 5 visitors who came to Russia with the only goal:   to
see her, say hello, say that they remember about the girl! When we told
Sonya that they are coming, she didn't sleep 3 nights, so excited she was!
    When Sonya comes to the Center we always talk to her to find out what
she needs the most, to be able to help her better. Last year she has spent
one month during the summer at Bolshevo (summer camp).  We are
going to invite her to one of our camps this coming summer as well.
    Recently when we were discussing what to buy for the Easter
celebration, it appeared that Sonya HAS NEVER BEEN AT THE
SUPERMARKET IN HER LIFE. The only store she has been to was when
she was 5 or 6 years old. Her mother has never been interested to take
Sonya from the house, and Sonya can't walk without support of a person.
She has always been thinking that people are ashamed of her being
disabled. When we found that out, we drove her to the nearest supermarket
right away!  Sonya was amazed!
    She was so excited that she spoke in a very loud voice near everything
she would see.  The store was like a museum for her, and even milk and
bread was like an exhibit!  "Oh, look how big is the store!  I would never
think that food and clothes can be sold in one supermarket! Is it true that I
can touch everything! Wow, look at the line that can move when you put
products on it (she was saying that standing in front of the cash-register)! I
have heard about it, but saw it only by TV!"
    We made Sonya's day and she was absolutely happy!
    And how many of us think that the life is boring and brings no joy? Now
think about Sonya, and compare how many opportunities do you have!  It is
amazing how little so many people in need require to make them happy, but
even this little support is absolutely impossible without our participation.
    Sonya's life is not easy:  her mother is drinking again.  But she prays to
God so that He will bring her mother to the church and change her! Will you
help Sonya by praying with her?
    Thank you for supporting our work here!  It all is impossible without you!”
    Sonya experienced the joys of shopping in a supermarket for the first
time in her life.  And, of course, one of those joys is trying on the crazy hats!
    Thanks to all of our Big Family Mission partners!

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