Thursday, July 28, 2011

Prayers and support for Natasha. Natasha is the hands and feet of the ministry Friends of Children. Big Family supports her financially. She travels to various orphanages around the St. Petersburg area including Luga and Jukki. She visits with the children, takes them on outings, brings them gifts, celebrates holidays with them, and whatever it takes to show these kids that they are not forgotten about and that they are special not only to her, but to God as well.

Friends of Children also has a family home in St. Petersburg. This is to help get kids off the streets, give them emotional support and sometimes financial support. FOC assists them in finding jobs and bettering their education. The family house gives residents a place to belong and feel "safe" from the streets. It is basically a small house with 3 bedrooms. Two young mothers currently live there as well as a young man with Downs Syndrome. But that is not all, Friends of Children also support people in the community who have fallen on hard times. I personally have been a part of helping a young mother with three children set up her new apartment. Funds I sent purchased her household goods such as dishes, towels, etc. I cannot express what a blessing it is to know that my support is making a real difference in people's lives. A visible and immediate difference. I cannot be there to give this young mom those things, but I consider Natasha my arms and hands loving on the people of Russia for me.

But I digress...
Natasha has been given the opportunity to come to Chicago to speak in a few churches and try to raise more support. If she can she would love to travel to as many churches that sponsor her as possible. This is a tremendous opportunity and she is very excited about it. So am I! However, the travel expenses are quite overwhelming for her agency. That is where you and I come in. How about not eating out this week and giving the donating the cost instead? Or perhaps not get that new gadget you were eyeing and instead give the funds to Big Family? I know Natasha would appreciate it. But what if you can't financially afford to give? She still needs your prayers! If you could do both that would be best!
Contact Big Family at for more information.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Igor klishchenko in Kaluga

Meet Igor: He's bringing the Father's Love to over 1400 Russian orphans
Big Family Mission has begun partnering with Igor Klishchenko who ministers to orphans in the Kaluga region of Russia. Igor and his American missionary friend, David Ford, have been given the unique opportunity to lead the Russian government orphan camps in the Kaluga region. Igor and his family have been called to provide Light and Love to Russian orphans.
Igor states: "If orphans need the Father's Love, I will bring it to them! During the time from January 2007 to December 2010, I had the opportunity to work in several state agencies in the Kaluga Region for orphans and children left without parental care. More than 1400 children have been able to get to know me, befriend me and receive the most precious gift in life, which is salvation through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now I feel responsible for the souls of these children who face the biggest challenges in their lives. I consider it my duty to be with these children and to give them the spiritual and material support they need by developing their personal relationship with God."
You can read Igor's fascinating testimony of how he has become family for more than 1400 children, and also meet Igor's family on our website: Please help us spread the word about Igor and his ministry. If you would like to consider partnering with Igor, you can click on the above link which also provides more info about how you can make a tax-deductible contribution.

Helping Lisa

Let me open your eyes to another situation where God is working through Big Family and their partners Friends of Children.

Meet Lisa. She was living with her alcoholic sister in an apartment. Lisa was 17 at the time and pregnant with her second child. Her first child was removed from her and immediately placed in an orphanage.

Lisa came to FC wanting to live in the family home and dreamed of having her first child returned to her. The state said she had to live with her sister since she was a minor and the first child would not be returned unless her apartment is repaired. Friends of Children and Big Family are working towards that goal. In the mean time, Lisa is now 18 and is free to live at the family home. This is not an orphanage, nor does it receive any funds from the state. It is a temporary shelter for those needing it funded by donations from organizations like Big Family.

Lisa recently had a beautiful baby girl. They have a safe place to live, provisions for the baby, and are well cared for (thanks to Big Family and F.C. donations!) We are hoping to help her return to her apartment, or find a new one, regain her first child, and be able to take care of herself and her young family. It is a large task, but God is bigger! If you would like to help or want more information go to